Seven days past the start of spring.
Forty-five farking degrees! I can't do this anymore. More carbs crammed in my pie hole by the hour. The Guiness people (the record folks, not the beer folks...although that'd be okay) will be following me around. I will be the record holder for most carbs crammed into a pie hole in a 24-hour period. Alternatively, the button of my jeans will shoot off and kill somebody. Then I'll be arrested for manslaughter by muffin top. This just isn't looking good for me!
Naturally, my coping strategy for this is to be a couch potato this evening and watch Donut Paradise on the Travel Channel. Yes, really. In purusing my options for this evening's viewing while awaiting a new episode of (nerd alert!) Ghost Hunters, Donut Paradise is on at 8:00. How delightful. The Travel Channel is normally full of boring crap like America's Top Ten Honey Buckets or World Poker Snoozefest. No Reservations is really the only cool show on that station (well, except the Vegas shows, of which there's been a terrible dearth lately). But tonight they're finally featuring some quality programming in Donut Paradise.
Which won't help one whit with my carb-cramming issues, but Je ne soigne pas!
Pottery with LEGO Bricks
48 minutes ago