Monday, August 07, 2006

A day in the life

Perfectly hilarious snapshot from the weekend. I was cleaning the kitchen yesterday - Erik had made pancakes for breakfast - and I found my tweezers sitting on the kitchen counter amidst the dirty dishes.

"Um, dear, why are my tweezers in the kitchen?" (Because I know damn well I didn't put them there.)

"Oh," says he, "I needed to get eggshell out of the pancake batter."

*pause for my boggling to wear off*

"Wait, you used my eyebrow tweezers to pick eggshell out of batter?"


"The tweezers I use for my eyebrows."


"The tool I use near my eyes, you dunked it in eggs."

"I washed it off."

LOL! Just envisioning my husband in the kitchen, having dropped a bit of eggshell in the batter...does he reach for a spoon, a fork? No, the solution that his brain churned out was to go ALL THE WAY to the bathroom, opens the cabinet, finds my tweezers, and goes back to the kitchen. I know that might drive a lesser woman crazy, but I found it hilarious that eggshell in the batter = use her tweezers in his brain.

This is why I don't need much TV. What happens at home is far more entertaining.

Although I do need to stop watching HGTV and stop watching these whining babies on House Hunters bemoaning the fact that $300,000 can only buy a 2500 sq ft house that hasn't been updated since 1995. Oh, cry me a river, woman! Move here where $300,000 will buy you...well, it'll buy you nothing.

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