Tuesday, December 30, 2008

blame the cold meds

I just can't stop laughing at this.

Perhaps only Vivi will laugh.

Or maybe it really is the cold meds, and she won't.


Vikki said...

No, that's funny! Actually, it's weird...I didn't know I could laugh and drool at the same time. Go figure!!!!

Elizabeth said...

I have no sound for some reason so all I see is some men in old times being very serious. What did I miss?

Sarah J Clark said...

Where's the NyQuil. Someone give me some NyQuil!

-Amy, feel better soon!

Amy said...

Sissy - I'm glad I'm not the only one who found it funny. Actually, I emailed it to a couple of the girls, and they reported spewing their various beverages as well.

Elizabeth - You definitely need sound for this one. Although, admittedly, an appreciation for the evil hawtness of the character most likely lends to the humor.

Sarah - There's a reason people make meth out of these seemingly innocuous cold meds. Wheeeeee!!

Ray Veen said...

I don't know if it was funny or night. I'm a little bewildered.

Which guy is supposed to be hot again?

(The song was great.)