I read yet another ridiculous article about the “espresso” being hocked at McDonald’s and how it’s waaaay better than Starbucks. Um, right. The stupidest part of the article was a comment that people only go to Starbucks so they can walk around and show off their Starbucks cup. Surrrre. Because, ya know, when I go to Starbucks, all you find there are fancy pants people with their blingy recycled paper cups! In fact, we just stand around admiring our recycled paper cups and show them to each other. And we all wear designer clothing, and ALL of us have iPhones and hot boyfriends like Clive Owen. (Even the men do.) Yes, it’s true. People will bow down at my awesomeness because I’m carrying a Starbucks cup! Kneel before me plebians, for I carry the 12-ounce recycled cup with the leftover inauguration day sleeve.
Seriously, people. If you like your powdered espresso crap, more power to you. But it IS powdered espresso crap! If you get offended because I tell that you’re drinking crap, that’s your problem, not mine. I just ate M & M’s, which qualify as complete crap as chocolate goes. But I ate them anyway, despite the fact that they’re crap chocolate. Oh my GAWD, I just totally offended myself. In fact, I’m not going to speak to me until I apologize to myself for being such a chocolate snob. I so totally hate me. Who do I think I am anyway?
I do agree that Starbucks is expensive and their chai is way too sweet. But they also pay living wages and benefits and are invested in renewable products and construction. And the local Starbucks baristas actually have social skills. I’d rather support them with an extra $.40 for all that. (Especially now that my husband took all our spare change to Coinstar last night and came home with a Starbucks card! How cool is he!)
But teh snobbeh? Hardly. Hello, it’s coffee. It aint a Hermes boutique.
By the way, that’s “air-mez.” Not “her-meez.”
Now that’s snobbeh.
Um, sister, did you know that Caffe Vita has a blog? http://caffevita.blogspot.com/
The Gallaudet Library Prank
7 hours ago
Do you know how many people I've seen wearing their pajamas in Starbucks? It's like the 7-11 of coffee. I mean, c'mon, if you want snoot, you gotta head to Vivace. They'll eat you alive there if you order anything but a doppio espresso con panna. (Now that's snobbeh!)
I heart Cafe Vita. The dude that ran the drive-thru stand here that served their coffee went out of business. He was a super nice guy, but always tried to put whipped cream on my cappuccino. He was doomed from the start.
Don't talk to me about Starbucks. I'm on a sugar-free challenge right now.
Mmmmm.... Starbucks.
Seriously, stop.
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