Thursday, February 21, 2008


Where oh where has my Berryblossom gone? The box empty, the store shelf shouts "DENIED". My perfect afternoon cuppa. Greens taste like grass. Blacks are too strong for the p.m. But this mild white with the slight hint of berry.... *sniff*
The Holy Roman Empire was neither holy nor Roman. Discuss.


Vikki said...

Geez...your BerryBlossom tea must've run off with my ham shanks! I can't find those anywhere either!

Hmmm...that sounds weird. Lemme 'splain. Lentil soup = good. Lentil soup = comfort food that makes winter go away for a minute. And, as it happens, ham shanks = lentil soup. ham shanks, no lentil soup.

It's a pork fat thing.


Amy said...

You are clearly the better sibling. I eat all my lentil soup out of a can. But I understand your pining for ham shanks. I lurve me some lentil soup.

Everything is better with bacon, so I'm sure this same rule must apply to all pork products.