Thursday, November 20, 2008

wake me when it's over

As soon as I become inspired, I really will be posting something...err...inspiring?


I'm tired. Work has been...yeah. I'm tired. Layoffs suck.

To quote Will Ferrell impersonating Dubya, "Daddy, this is haarrrrrrrd!"

But it's nearly the weekend. I figure that gives me full license for cramming my cake hole.

And it's getting COLD out there. Boo.

I'm so tired, I can't even stay up for Celebrity Rehab. Sacre bleu! I'm sure that Ms. Alden will hug Dr. Drew's arm for me until I have a chance to watch it.


Vikki said...

*sigh* yes, Drew and I had some quality time last night. Stayed up way too late and then dreamt of finding roasted garlic in my hair (long story).

I highly suggested locking yourself in your office between employee freak-outs and watching it on VH1's website.

Ray Veen said...

Layoffs sound very very unpleasant. I feel blessed to have such a secure job.

Elizabeth said...

Maybe the blues will inspire some great moody writing for you.

Elizabeth said...

Maybe the blues will inspire some great moody writing for you.

Sarah J Clark said...

Found you through Cursing in Heels.

Read through some of your posts. Love your sarcasm. Added you to the list of blogs I follow.

Holla back sometime.

Amy said...

Oh, look, I have blog friends now! Hee!