Notice how they changed the term global warming to global climate change? So that when it snows 12 inches, we can no longer scream “I thought you said global WARMING??”
I have officially had it up to my eyeballs with this weather. If I actually wanted to live in snow and crash my car every other day, I’d move to the Midwest! And we’re supposed to get hammered again with snow and ice storms on Saturday night.
I’m actually quite glad that my husband couldn’t make it to work yesterday, as downtown froze over around midday, and he would have been stranded. I doubt he would have even been able to get out of his parking garage since it’s on such a steep hill. And then most of the downtown bus routes were canceled thanks to all the jackknifed buses (with chained tires!) stuck on the freeways.
But the worst part of all this? We are moving our company Christmas party to lunchtime today so people can get out of here early enough to get home safely. Which means NO BOOZE. Waaaahh. Oh well, a lot of people aren’t here today anyway since they can’t get out of their unplowed neighborhoods.
Oh well, this crap makes the skiers happy since it’s been so unseasonably warm up until last week. Now they can go up to the passes to ski, and I can go to the mall! (I hope.)
Or at least Starbucks! The best cheeseball moment of yesterday was seeing the poor news crews stuck in the Redmond blizzard all day yesterday when all of a sudden a Starbucks employee showed up with coffee for them. Wearing his red holiday Starbucks apron and Christmas tie.
And now, a photo essay.
I only post this so my sissy can see what it looked like here yesterday.
Just because it's fun to have photos of other people's misfortune at the bottom of a freeway on/off-ramp.
Just because this guy may be almost as crazy as Vivi's husband. :-p (That's Denny Ave, sissy.)
And because people make really cool things with snow.
Pottery with LEGO Bricks
3 hours ago
Ah, Seattle. A deadly monsoon could move in and the bike messengers would still be out.
But, dang, that's a lot of snow. We're buried in about ten inches right now. But it's check back tomorrow, it'll probably all be melted and flooding our basements.
Sure. Poke fun at the Midwest. We currently have no snow or ice on the ground. Knock on wood.
And awesome Starbucks came to the rescue. Ah, Starbucks. Haven't had a Peppermint Mocha with a Twist in a while. Is that just a holiday drink, because, if so, I'm stocking up on them today. Forget my suspending spending spree promise. xo!
Your post reminds me of how great it is to work in the one place that gets busier during winter storms: the hospital.
When my kids have a snow day, they look up at me with shiny happy eyes, "Maybe you'll have a snow day too, daddy, and you can stay home and play outside with us."
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