As to why we in Seattle don't cope well with driving in snow.
Just prepare to listen to me WHINE for the next couple weeks, as they're forecasting this cold crap is supposed to last that long. We ran to the grocery store tonight, and it was miserably cold! We're not equipped to handle this. I have no warm boots, and the only hats and mittens I own are from Target, which means they're only warm around 40 degrees. Nor do I have a coat for 15 to 20 degree weather. That's not so bad, except that any time it snows during the workday, I end up having to ditch my car and walk home since any route between between my office and my house is uphill (with a stoplight at the top of every hill, naturally).
Our office is closing the week between Christmas and New Year in order to save some money in these scary days. So I'm trying to figure out what to do with myself during that week. If it's still cold/icy/snowy and I'm trapped at home, I'll be running up and down the stairs like Bart Simpson on sugar.
If I'm not trapped at home, I'll be tempted to shop.
I'm not sure which situation would be worse. The latter would certainly be more fun but highly damaging to my bank account in these times of financial uncertainty.
But the former may result in my husband having me committed.
If I were responsible, I'd do all these projects around the house that I keep meaning to do. Like paint the bathroom. Or clean out the garage.
But I predict I will spend the week cramming my cake hole full of every unhealthy sugary/carby/fatty food known to mankind (after all, I'll have to be GOOD after January 1...or January 2...okay, I'll officially be good on January 5). And then I will catch up on my Netflix queue and read some trashy books. And maybe - just maybe - I'll go a whole day without actually changing out of my jammies. Oh nirvana!
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Pottery with LEGO Bricks
3 hours ago
So is that a picture of
Seattle's hill that everybody complains about? We have a hill in Michigan too, only there's snow on ours. But I jest, of course.
In fact, your hill looks positively deterring. Why I wouldn't drive on it with a ten foot pole.
(See what I mean about typing the first thing that pops into your head?)
Get a sled! Could be fun. Yes? You just might experience a little frost bite without warm mittens. But what's a little frost bite? Do you REALLY need the tips of your fingers?
What the crap is going on there???? It's not even that bad here (yet!). You need to go get yourself a Stay-Puft Marshmallow Man coat. I have one that goes all the way down to my cankles. Attractive? Not in the least! It makes me look like a walking sausage. But, it keeps me warm!
AH! Walking sausage. That's awesome.
V - I've been to Michigan many times. I know for a fact that there are no hills in Michigan. People in Michigan have tried to point out the hills to me, but I've yet to identify them as such. Although I imagine that driving on Seattle hills with a 10-foot pole might somehow be easier than driving on them with 4 spinning wheels.
Sarah - Sled + ice + cars. I think I'll stick to the 10-foot pole.
Sissy - I wish I knew what the crap was going on here. If Jake Gyllenhaal shows up, I am OUTTA HERE. My only consolation is that it snowed in Vegas last night. But, again, they don't have hills! However, I now know why you scoffed when I bought rayon scarves at the $10 shop at Rio. I'm dying for a cashmere scarf right now!
Go to the spa and pretend you're on an expensive holiday in Aspen.
Personally I'd love a week trapped in the house alone. I'd watch movies, read, paint ... sounds great to me!
It snowed here too! LOTS! Like 20 cm. I bought the right clothe for the kids, but hubby and I pool our longjohns and scraves, I usually look like a hobo and him a hoodlum. But we're warm.
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