I'm diggin' the notion of this new blog follower function...except that I can't make it work! Blogger tells me I haven't verified my email address yet. YES I HAVE.
Okay fine, so when I click on the link to resend verification email, said verification email is eaten by the gnomes who run the internets. Or blogger is just mocking me. "Here, click on this and you can join our club. PSYCH!"
What. Ever.
I had a dream last night that I was married to Gerard Butler (except he was an architect), and we were vacationing at some mountain lodge with Dr. Drew and his wife (I've no idea who she is in RL, but she was quite an annoying yuppie housewife in the dream), along with some co-workers of mine. We girls were all baking cookies in a giant kitchen with Toby Keith, which was freaking out one of my friends whom I shall protect from incrimination since she lurrrrrrrves him, and I was getting annoyed because Toby kept screwing up the cookie dough.
All of this begs the question: If I was married to Gerry Butler, WHY was I spending every waking hour baking cookies with women and a big redneck??
And then I woke up and heard the NPR reporter bleating about Mumbai. So...yeah.
I told my husband (the actual one, not Gerry) that there needs to be a happy news station so I can wake up to happy thoughts. Actual husband said, "In today's news: Marshmallows! Penguins! Free shoes!"
I think he might be onto something.
A Robot That Does Bike Tricks
1 hour ago
Sooooooo...... got any idea which blogs you might want to follow? Just asking cuz, you know... curious is all...
Anyway. If they had a cheerful news station, I might be tempted to hook up my cable again. One needs to know when they're giving away penguins and shoes.
Whoa. Did you see that? I beat your sister to the comment section. When she gets here, she's gonna be like the third commenter. Maybe the fourth.
Fourth place doesn't even get a medal.
Ha-ha, Vivi -- enjoy your 'participant' ribbon.
Hey, V, I was busy doing very important things (wandering through Target sucking on a vanilla cappuccino while giving the stink eye to the woman who decided to go shopping in her pajama bottoms).
Anyhoo, the news gives me the creeps, as does Toby Keith. But the bigger issue is that Dr. Drew had a annoying wife. Ummmm, 'scuse me, sissy dear! If we're off in dreamland here, why was I not Mrs. Drew?? You got be Mrs. Butler! Not fair, not fair, not fair!
Hey, V, I tried to follow you, but Blogger says that you don't appear to have a feed. You might want to get that checked out when you get your hiccupectomy.
Sissy, I'm so sorry that you weren't Mrs. Drew. But given how annoying the dreamland Mrs. Drew was, I think you can take her. No problem. And you're way cuter (and younger!) than she was.
I've returned to congratulate you on your success.
Congratulations on your success.
You're following MEEEE!
Fan. Freaking. Tastic.
Sarcasm is always welcome over at Sarah J Clark.
I'm having troubles getting on board with the follower function too. Notthat I can't get it to work it just that it's like facebook to me. Now we all have to be linked and see who has the most followers. But still, yes I am doing it too.
I think I have some unresolved high school issues. Please be my friend so I can be in the cool crowd.
Therapist much E?
If Toby Keith was in my dream I'd have to classify it as a nightmare.
I often read your blog, but rarely comment, but if E's going to start to equate "following" to facebookesque popularity maybe I should delurk and hit that link.
Ok, just realized you don't have the sheep function activated.
Oh look, so many comments! I swear, I'm not ignoring them, but since blogger is retarded and won't validate me, I can't receive comment notfications.
And God knows that I NEED VALIDATION! Just ask my sister.
I think my sheep function is activated now...unless blogger took that away from me, too, which would be so like it.
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